Student Advocate
Objective of this Position
To build a discipleship relationship with a Pikes Peak Academy student that allows you to communicate your hope in Christ while helping your student work through key life challenges and learn critical life skills.
General Description
A Student Advocate is a faithful mentor who is willing to walk alongside a student and be the “hands and feet of Jesus” with him or her. This is a life-on-life calling that will challenge you to model what you hope to see in your student.
Comments from other volunteers serving in this position
“It’s been one of the most rewarding parts of my week. We need to tell others so they can participate too.” –Roger
“I have no idea what I’m doing sometimes. I didn’t know it was going to be this challenging. I’ve had to pray much, but God has been faithful.” –Susan
Skills Required
Ability to speak the truth in love
Problem solving while listening to the Holy Spirit
Great listener/question asker
Skills/Interests Helpful
Motherly/Fatherly instincts
Time Commitment
Varies at times but, generally, about 1-2 hours per week with drive time.
Training Required
After the initial interview and approval from the staff, the volunteer will need to complete a background check and then participate in a training session at the school.
Training Recommended
Supplemental readings from various Biblically-based texts
Advocate debriefing sessions throughout the year
Tell me more about being a Student Advocate