
You may make One-Time or Monthly Recurring donations for Pikes Peak Academy. Donations to PPA may be tax-deductible for US taxpayers (No goods or services may be exchanged for these tax deductible donations). You DO NOT need a Paypal account to use this Donation service.

  • Click the Donate button below to begin the PayPal payment process (you will be redirected to PayPal)

  • Use your PayPal account to complete the donation process

  • If you do not have a PayPal account, locate the ‘Don’t have PayPal Account?’ text on the PayPal page and ‘Continue’

Pikes Peak Academy is a 501(c)3 ministry committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. As such, we rely primarily on the generous financial and volunteer involvement of the Body of Christ to meet approximately 89% of our annual budget. 

Make a Donation to Pikes Peak Academy